Several things you need to know:
1. Starting November 1st (Thursday) we will switch to by appointment hours. Things are starting to slow down, you are all getting into routines, people are not thinking about buying curriculum. I am still here, and am very flexible now that all my kiddos are in college. Let me know if you need to replace, add too, find reading books, remedial things to get over a hump..I have a ton of stuff and usually can help you find something to help.
2. I can take credit cards!! or debit cards. I got a “Square” and it works perfectly. If I am not here, there is a form that you can fill out with all the information (I promise to thoroughly destroy it after the charge) or we can do it over the phone.
3. Please use this forum, email, phone or facebook to reach me. Every once in awhile I get a message at an email I have not used in years. I do not want to miss your message. If you do not hear from me, try another avenue and please try again. I apologize if I don’t answer right away- sometimes I cannot answer with out a little research (consignment sold amount/ do I have) on the question.
4. Please forward WTB requests, friends looking for materials, out of state contacts to the shop, website etc. These are your books, if we all refer people, maybe more will pass through here. In the long run, that means you make more profit.
5. Here are a few new things:
G Foster- A Caesar’s World/Columbus/Wasington; Saxon 1 with workbooks and a bunch of other Saxon; IEW British Lit guide, some PAL and Group B Structure and Style; Leapster and games; Leap pad and games; Sonlight guides and books- History of the World part 2 (some have language arts addendum too)Latina Christiana I DVD’s; ABeka Combo dot cards; DIVE cd’s for 54,65,76, 87; Painless Poetry; History of Medicine- Tiner; D’Aulaire’s Greek Myths; Apologia Biology; Quarter Mile Math; Abeka Keyboarding; Christian Kids Explore Chemistry and Biology and a lot more. the Shelves are full..things are being mailed all over the country. If I list something- please do not wait 2-3 weeks before coming in, it may be gone…
See you soon, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s 1-5pm
Tag: Shurley
News and an Update from the Kurriculum Korner
Unless we have already talked about bringing things in, please wait a week or two – I am stuffed and need to take care of all the things I have before adding more. So many new things, I don’t know where to start!
Here are a few new things:
Visual Manna- History thru Art, Science thru Art;
IEW Phonetic Zoo B;
Of People for CEC and a lot of the other CEC required books;
Math U See- fraction overlays, decimal inserts and teacher/ dvd kits for most levels up to Algebra;
Rod and Staff math teacher eds and some student textbooks for 1,3,4,5,6,7,8;
Christian Light Units for Home Ec (missing unit 1);
GA Henty books on cd;
Math Relief Algebra 1 by Leonard Firebaugh;
Parts of MFW Countries and Cultures like Kingdom Tales, Hero Tales, Geog from A to Z;
English from the Roots up vol 1 cards;
Shurley English Teacher eds for 1,2,3,4,6;
Rod and Staff English 1,2,3,4,5,6;
BJU Sci, math and English for lots of levels;
now have a section of materials from Seton press etc;
lots of science experiment books for summer fun!
Notgrass Economics, Exploring America;
HOD- Hearts for him thru Time- Revival to Revolution, Bigger hearts for His Glory, Drawn into the Heart of Reading;
BJU Booklinks- probably 15 of them- some need the novels;
Jeannie Fulbright Botany and Land Animals;
Apologia Chemistry, marine Bio;
and so much it has made getting down the hallway difficult….. Come take some of it away!!! See you soon- Wed and Thurs 1-5pm
News about new items at the Kurriculum Korner
Here are a few of the newest additions to my over 10,000 books:
Apologia Physics, Apologia Physical Science, Apologia Marine Biology, The Kids guide to service Projects, Shurley English teacher manuals , Rod and Staff English and Math for 6th gr, Tree in the Trail by Holling C Holling, Peggy Kaye- Math Games, Movies as Literature, Saxon 54 and 76 set, McRuffy Math K and 1 teacher eds, Math U See Zeta/Delta/Epsilon/Gamma teacher sets and a student book for Epsilon, Beautiful Feet History of the Horse, Kathryn Stout Guide to History Plus and Comprehensive Composition, Serl’s Intermediate Language Lessons, BJU Reading and English 2/3/4, Jensen’s Grammar and Jensen’s Punctuation, Right Start Math B and C teacher eds and worksheets, Notgrass- Exploring Economics, Homeschool Psych, Short Lessons in US History, Keys to American History, BJU Geometry, Handwriting without Tears Capital Letter cards/wood pieces and mats, and more that I have not even gotten to yet! Come see what you can save money on~~
Wednesday’s and Thursday’s 1-5pm. If those hours are not good, call me, we can arrange another time- 241-7264…Hope to see you soon. The shop has had a really busy last 2 weeks, if I have listed what you want, don’t wait, it won’t stay here long. I apologize if I got something you wanted me to let you know about- late spring and summer is very difficult with so much coming and going- I try to let you know, please get back to me as soon as you can if I call or write.
Have a wonderful day!
Kurriculum Korner has some new things!
Regular hours are Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 1-5pm. Lots of new things are arriving every day !
Here are a few new items:
Rosetta Stone Homeschool edition Latin (not the newest one but it is on cd’s) has extra workbooks too;
Jensen’s Grammar and Jensen’s Punctuation;
Spelling Plus, Spelling Power both 3rd and 4th eds;
HWT Blocks and Capital Letter Cards;
Serl’s Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons;
Total Health;
McRuffy Math for K and 1;
IEW Phonetic Zoo A;
Farm Yard felt animals felt Goldilocks story- not opened or cut out yet;
Great Courses Calculus;
Christian Kids Explore Chemistry;
Christian Liberty Press Applications of Grammar;
Teacher eds for Shurley 1,2,3,4,6;
Prentice Hall book for Mrs Erickson’s class and the Ecci Romani I,II and III for Mrs Essa’s class at the Consortium;
Project Wild, Project Wet;
ACE paces for Soc Studies 8 complete set;
Classical Kids; Colonial Kids; WWII Days, Victorian Days- if you have not seen these- they are very interesting! they make time periods in history come alive with crafts, food, stories etc- very creative and you don’t need to think it up!!!
Lots more that I cannot list it all-
Come see what you can save money on. If I don’t have it, I might be able to find it for you.
I hope to see you soon
Happy Spring!
One more week and it is official although it has felt like spring for a few weeks here in the Ohio Valley. Flowers and trees are blooming, the nest of Mockingbirds near the bedroom window wakes early and there is mud everywhere!
I will be open again this week with lots of new things, great home school materials – come save some money!
See you soon, if you need directions there is a map on the website – for those of you on facebook or call me~
Open this week~
It will be a beautiful day for a short drive to the country. I will be open on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 1-5pm. I have been receiving things all winter and have really full shelves. Still unpacking a few of the boxes so no list today- sorry. come see what’s here- do not buy new teacher editions (ABeka, BJU, Rod and Staff, Shurley, Horizons, Memoria Press, Singapore, Easy Grammar, Apologia) at least, until you check with me. I may not have it in stock but will probably be getting one over the next 2-3 months. If you want to bring things in- please call me first, I am full and a little choosey because of that and cannot take everything you ever used all at once (I cannot tell you how many times “2 small boxes” has turned out to be a full van with all the seats removed !!).
Come see what’s here, save lots of money and support both a local business and your fellow home school families (most everything is consignment)..
See you soon, directions on the map tab here at the website or call me- 502-241-7264