News From the Kurriculum Korner

Have had a busy week with lots of drop offs!
Here are a few of the new things:

Draw Write Now # ‘s 2,3,5,6
Learning Palette – very interesting!, some math cards, some phonics cards;
Rod and Staff Arithmetic 1 black line masters- all in a binder, unused;
VTech Bugsby ( like a leap pad) and 7 books;
some Dive cd’s;
McRuffy math and McRuffy Color Math teacher guides;
Jacob’s Elementary Algebra textbook;
Cuisenaire Rods;
Math Relief Algebra Phase 1 by Firebaugh;
BJU Science and History text’s for 1st gr;
Pearables Home Ec 1&2;
Rush Hour Game;
J Fulbright Botany and Land Animals (no journals);
Beechicks the 3 R’s and You Can Teach your child Successfully ( gr 4-8 Mom help);
2009 edition of Well Trained Mind;
Memoria Press Literature Guides- Teacher manuals mostly;
Drawing With Children;
and a lot more!

Come see what’s here before buying will save you lots of money and help fellow home schoolers re coup some of their investment..

See you soon

Karen at the Kurriculum Korner
Regular hours Wed & Thurs 1-5
6400 Clore Lane, Crestwood, KY 40014
cash, checks and paypal

By APPOINTMENT ONLY Starting November 1st until after New Year’s

Only a few more “open ” days. Starting November 1st I go to by appointment. I have had this shop for 7 years (can you believe that?) and this is definitely slow season. I will still be here- send me an email or call if you need anything, we can pick a time.
Things surprisingly are still coming in. Teacher Created Thematic Units (one on chocolate- our personal fav) and a dozen more. “The Un-Halloween Book”. BJU , Abeka, Rod and Staff, Saxon, Usborne, Math U See, Apologia, TOPS science, Project Wild, Biology pre made slide sets.  I have a Sonlight Core 7 guide and books and an older edition of Core 200.  There are tangrams, lots of flashcards, lots of literature, combo dot cards, clue word cards, geo boards.  I have a leapster that would make a great gift, a Leap pad and books, and a telescope that works great- box needs cleaning. There are a couple dozen Joy Berry character training books, Singing With Children, Oak Meadow 2nd gr Syllabus, Christian Charm Course, Manners Made Easy, and a really fun one called “Eating the Plates” about Thanksgiving!

See you this week or call me- 502-241-7264


Way too much Science on the shelves so I am having a sale!! 20% off this week- October 10 and 11.
Almost 2 full shelves of Usborne, a big pile of Thematic units by Teacher Created Materials (one is even on Chocolate– it was one of our favorites!!). These TCM Theme Units are in different levels- some are Primary, some Intermediate. I have Kids Discover Magazines- if you have not seen these, you are missing a very valuable resource that your kids will love. Mine collected them all for years as elementary kids and even got out the specific “Heart”, “Blood” etc in high school for review when they were tackling Biology etc. There is a dvd set called Body of Evidence, a few Master books, Answer Book by Answers in Genesis, More Fun with Nature (a take along guide) and several Janice Van Cleave experiment books (202 Oozing, Bubbling etc) and reference books (A+ Projects in Earth Science) . Science was one of our favorite subjects when my kids were younger and I wish there were all these resources years ago. I have Apologia Slides and a microscope, BJU, Abeka , TOPS, Let’s Read and Find Out, Rod and Staff etc..
See you soon- this sale is for this week!
Remember, I close except by appt November 1st until January.  I am still here, just not open regular hours.  Call me if you need anything or want some materials to add to your curriculum.


News from the Kurriculum Korner

Several things you need to know:
1. Starting November 1st (Thursday) we will switch to by appointment hours. Things are starting to slow down, you are all getting into routines, people are not thinking about buying curriculum. I am still here, and am very flexible now that all my kiddos are in college. Let me know if you need to replace, add too, find reading books, remedial things to get over a hump..I have a ton of stuff and usually can help you find something to help.
2. I can take credit cards!! or debit cards. I got a “Square” and it works perfectly. If I am not here, there is a form that you can fill out with all the information (I promise to thoroughly destroy it after the charge) or we can do it over the phone.
3. Please use this forum, email, phone or facebook to reach me. Every once in awhile I get a message at an email I have not used in years. I do not want to miss your message. If you do not hear from me, try another avenue and please try again. I apologize if I don’t answer right away- sometimes I cannot answer with out a little research (consignment sold amount/ do I have) on the question.
4. Please forward WTB requests, friends looking for materials, out of state contacts to the shop, website etc. These are your books, if we all refer people, maybe more will pass through here. In the long run, that means you make more profit.
5. Here are a few new things:
G Foster- A Caesar’s World/Columbus/Wasington; Saxon 1 with workbooks and a bunch of other Saxon; IEW British Lit guide, some PAL and Group B Structure and Style; Leapster and games; Leap pad and games; Sonlight guides and books- History of the World part 2 (some have language arts addendum too)Latina Christiana I DVD’s; ABeka Combo dot cards; DIVE cd’s for 54,65,76, 87; Painless Poetry; History of Medicine- Tiner; D’Aulaire’s Greek Myths; Apologia Biology; Quarter Mile Math; Abeka Keyboarding; Christian Kids Explore Chemistry and Biology and a lot more. the Shelves are full..things are being mailed all over the country. If I list something- please do not wait 2-3 weeks before coming in, it may be gone…
See you soon, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s 1-5pm

News from the Kurriculum Korner!

Here is just a small portion of what is new this week at the Kurriculum Korner! Tell your friends about the shop! These are your items, lets find them all new homes!!
Winter promise- Timelines in History- unopened, unused;
MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures teacher guide and some of the books that go with it;
Starting points by Quine and the set of books that go with it
Land Animals, Botany by Fulbright with Botany Journal book-unused;
American History and Eastern Hemisphere Sonlight books ;
Story of the world activity books;
Apologia General Sci and Physical Sci, 2nd eds;
Apologia Human body and Marine Bio;
Latin for CEC;
Balancing the Sword Bible Study;
lots of Abeka (not 1st grade though- sorry) and BJU;
Rod and Staff Math, English and Spelling;
BJU MAth for Pre Cal, Algebra 2 and Geometry;
Saxon Geometry;
Thinking Toolbox;
D’Aulaire’s- Leif, Franklin and Columbus;
HA Grueber- Story of the 13 Colonies;
Sonlight- Story of the USA vol 1,2,3,4;
Mathtacular 1,2,3,4 dvd’s with workbook and key for 4th;
Drive thru History Foundations and Rome and Greece;
All About Spelling level 1, 2;
Hillyer’s Child History of the World;
Sonlight One Yr Condensed World History and a pile of books that go with it and a Markable Map;
Christian Heroes series- about 6 of them;
Dear America Series- 12 of them;
Geosafari Game and a pile of cards!
Sister Wendy Beckett- Art!!

Do not bring me any more- if you come with them anyway, I may send most of them home. I got 15+ boxes last week and I am overflowing!
So much great stuff!
Do not buy new- come see what’s here —
See you soon,

Karen at the Kurriculum Korner
Wed and Thurs 1-5pm
6400 Clore Lane, Crestwood, KY 40014
cash, checks and paypal

News from the Kurriculum Korner~

Tons of things arriving- can’t keep up! I still love being the first person to go thru the box!
Here are a few of the NEW things:
Story of the USA- all 4 and a few extras;
Sonlight Mark able Map;
Apologia Physical Science, General Science, Human Body and Marine Biology;
It Couldn’t Just Happen;
Seven C’s from Answers in Genesis, Astronomy Book and The New Answers book by Ham;
MUS Block sets x 2, along with Fraction Overlays and Decimal Inserts;
BJU Math – Precal, Algebra 2, Consumer Math, Pre Algebra;
Rod and Staff Math – 1,4,5,6,7,8;
Rod and Staff English- 2,4,6,7;
Lyrical Life Science sets;
Saxon Geometry;
Latin in the Christian Trivium Set;
Latin for Children Primer A set;
Lots of Knights/Castles/Egypt/American history;
Lots of Usborne Science books along with J Van Cleave experiment, A+ projects and “for every kid” books;
Enasco High School Biology Microscope- email me for details;
tons of Literature including Shakespeare, Progeny Press guides and Memoria Press guides;
First Form Latin, Ecce Romani texts for Mrs Essa’s Class at CEC;
World Masterpieces for Mrs Erickson’s class at CEC;
Kingfisher History Encyclopedia;
Writing Strands;
MUS Teacher kits, full sets for Pre Alg and Algebra (comb bound edition);
Light and the Glory Series for adults;
Homeschooling High School by Dennis;
First Language Lessons level 3 and 4;
a full shelf of 50 cent books—
everything here from 2009 and 2010 is 50% off;

Come see me- I didn’t even mention Abeka, Singapore, Sequential Spelling, and all the miscellaneous books that help you over humps in Math and English, the ones that give your kids writing prompts, help with capitalization or the coloring books that make learning about the civil war/greeks/Presidents fun!

I have expanded into another room- lots more space to move around and actually see what is on the shelves. If you haven’t been in awhile- come see me!

Karen at the Kurriculum Korner
Wed and Thurs 1-5pm
6400 Clore Lane, Crestwood, KY 40014
cash, checks and paypal

News from the Kurriculum Korner

Time to re focus on the book store…Lots of things happening both here and personally that have derailed me a little. So many new things have arrived- cannot possibly list them all, here are a few: D’Aulaires for Early American history; Zoo guide from Answers in Genesis; Rod and Staff English; Let Us Highly Resolve; More Mudpies to Magnets; A Thomas Jefferson Education; Plants Grown Up, Polished Cornerstones; The New Answers Book from AiG; Uncommon Courtesy for Kids; 1001 Ways to Explore Science and Nature; Usborne Book of the Seasons; Usborne Starting Points Science vol 1, Everyday Things and Science Activities; Math U See; Apologia Physics; Henle Latin, First Form Latin, English for the Thoughtful Child; It Couldn’t Just happen; Carpentry; SOTW vol 2 on cd; Five in a Row;  Biblical Holidays; Ecce Romani for CEC; Atelier Art for 4 & 5; Artistic Pursuits for High school; Cynthia Tobias book- the Way they Learn ( I highly recommend this to everyone just getting started to help you figure out learning styles- both yours and your children’s); Tapestry of Grace yr 1; Abeka grade 7 -current;

Tons more TOO~  OPEN Wednesday and Thursday 1-5pm.

Media Mail available,

If you called me last week- I was out of town on an emergency with my Mom.  I have retrieved all the messages and will call you tomorrow.

Don’t wait- things are moving in and out quickly this time of year.

See you soon

Great News from the Kurriculum Korner!

Open this week even with construction!  We are adding a room- if you have not been out recently, the shop is growing.  Kurriculum Korner has outgrown it’s space – so we are expanding. We have added a room to the shop! We painted over the weekend and laid carpet last evening. Bookshelves are being put together today and we are moving in ready or not (it needs the finishing touches but will do for now). I will be spending the next few weeks, moving and organizing things then we will have a sale and party mid July.
So much is new, it is hard to list it all, currently my hall way and living room are filled. Sat on the sofa last evening to watch the news and couldn’t change the channel with the remote- there was too much in the way!
I have, just to list a few cause I have to go get busy:
MFW- Exploration to 1850; lots of Rod and Staff both English and Math; BJU reading, math, English, Spelling, Handwriting and Science; Apologia Marine Bio, Physics, General Science (2nd ed); CEC books- British Lit, World Masterpieces, Magruders Government, Latin, Spanish Bible and cd’s and readers; tons of literature; Heart of Dakota- Drawn into the Heart of Reading, Bigger Hearts for His Glory; Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers; FIAR vol 1 and 3; Simply Grammar; First Language Lessons, Serl’s; ABeka Blend Practice cards, Clue word Cards, One vowel Word cards; Notgrass Economics and Exploring America and so much more….
Come see me, open on Wed and Thursdays 1-5pm

News and an Update from the Kurriculum Korner

Unless we have already talked about bringing things in, please wait a week or two – I am stuffed and need to take care of all the things I have before adding more.   So many new things, I don’t know where to start!

Here are a few new things:
Visual Manna- History thru Art, Science thru Art;
IEW Phonetic Zoo B;
Of People for CEC and a lot of the other CEC required books;
Math U See- fraction overlays, decimal inserts and teacher/ dvd kits for most levels up to Algebra;
Rod and Staff math teacher eds and some student textbooks for 1,3,4,5,6,7,8;
Christian Light Units for Home Ec (missing unit 1);
GA Henty books on cd;
Math Relief Algebra 1 by Leonard Firebaugh;
Parts of MFW Countries and Cultures like Kingdom Tales, Hero Tales, Geog from A to Z;
English from the Roots up vol 1 cards;
Shurley English Teacher eds for 1,2,3,4,6;
Rod and Staff English 1,2,3,4,5,6;
BJU Sci, math and English for lots of levels;
now have a section of materials from Seton press etc;
lots of science experiment books for summer fun!
Notgrass Economics, Exploring America;
HOD- Hearts for him thru Time- Revival to Revolution, Bigger hearts for His Glory, Drawn into the Heart of Reading;
BJU Booklinks- probably 15 of them- some need the novels;
Jeannie Fulbright Botany and Land Animals;
Apologia Chemistry, marine Bio;
and so much it has made getting down the hallway difficult….. Come take some of it away!!! See you soon- Wed and Thurs 1-5pm

Heart of Dakota and a whole lot more at Kurriculum Korner

I have an almost full set of Bigger Hearts for His Glory and Hearts for Him Through time- Revival to Revolution. This is a great curriculum, written by a mom who could not find something that met all her needs! Come see me, it won’t stay here long.. Also have lots of new things- more arriving every day- Rod and Staff Math and English; BJU reading , Spelling, English, History etc; Math u See; Math Relief Algebra; CEC Books for English, Government, Latin, Science; Notgrass Exploring America; Notgrass Economics; Grammar Ace; The Oxford Companion to American Literature; Memoria pRess Famous Men books; D’Aulaire’s Greek Myths and a Memoria Press guide to go with it; Hooked on Phonics; MUS Fraction Overlays and Decimal Inserts; tons of Literature; Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers; Let’s Read and Find out about Science for early readers; Drawing With Children; Abeka Concept Cards for 3-4 Math and a ton more.. I am out of room- lots of things in the 50% off boxes (makes them 25% of retail) and a shelf full of 50 Cent books—
See you soon, Wed and Thurs 1-5pm