Several things you need to know:
1. Starting November 1st (Thursday) we will switch to by appointment hours. Things are starting to slow down, you are all getting into routines, people are not thinking about buying curriculum. I am still here, and am very flexible now that all my kiddos are in college. Let me know if you need to replace, add too, find reading books, remedial things to get over a hump..I have a ton of stuff and usually can help you find something to help.
2. I can take credit cards!! or debit cards. I got a “Square” and it works perfectly. If I am not here, there is a form that you can fill out with all the information (I promise to thoroughly destroy it after the charge) or we can do it over the phone.
3. Please use this forum, email, phone or facebook to reach me. Every once in awhile I get a message at an email I have not used in years. I do not want to miss your message. If you do not hear from me, try another avenue and please try again. I apologize if I don’t answer right away- sometimes I cannot answer with out a little research (consignment sold amount/ do I have) on the question.
4. Please forward WTB requests, friends looking for materials, out of state contacts to the shop, website etc. These are your books, if we all refer people, maybe more will pass through here. In the long run, that means you make more profit.
5. Here are a few new things:
G Foster- A Caesar’s World/Columbus/Wasington; Saxon 1 with workbooks and a bunch of other Saxon; IEW British Lit guide, some PAL and Group B Structure and Style; Leapster and games; Leap pad and games; Sonlight guides and books- History of the World part 2 (some have language arts addendum too)Latina Christiana I DVD’s; ABeka Combo dot cards; DIVE cd’s for 54,65,76, 87; Painless Poetry; History of Medicine- Tiner; D’Aulaire’s Greek Myths; Apologia Biology; Quarter Mile Math; Abeka Keyboarding; Christian Kids Explore Chemistry and Biology and a lot more. the Shelves are full..things are being mailed all over the country. If I list something- please do not wait 2-3 weeks before coming in, it may be gone…
See you soon, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s 1-5pm