New Homeschooler’s Information Page:
lists, connections, resources, links to “Best practices document”, link to “Letter of Intent”, etc
I.) List of books to use for research
only a short list, there are many others
1. The Way They Learn , Cynthia Tobias (helps determine both yours and your child’s learning style to help pick curriculum)
2. 102 Top Picks, Cathy Duffy (like a consumer report- read the beginning about the different types of home schoolers)
3. Things We Wish We had Known, Diana & Bill Waring (compiled comments from veterans)
4. the Homeschooling Father, Michael Farris
contains affiliate links to amazon
II.)List of yahoo groups for Louisville area
also look for these organizations and groups on most have a page
1. HFHG- (Home for His glory), Christian community
2. OCHE- (Oldham county)
3. SPCHE- (Spencer county)
4. (free range homeschoolers), Secular community
5. (Louisville), secular community
6. SCHE- (Shelby county)
7. Lexington-
III.) Types of home schooling curriculum
For more information, the beginning of “Cathy Duffy Top ____Picks” has definitions and suggestions under each of the top theories to help you develop your own philosophy of education. There is also a chapter on determining the type of learner both you and your child/children are to help in the curriculum decision process.
1. Textbooks- BJU press, ABeka, Christian Liberty Press
2. Literature Based- Heart of Dakota, Sonlight, Beautiful Feet, My Father’s World, Winter Promise
3. Unit Study- Amanda Bennett, Konos, Our Journey Westward,
4. Classical- Memoria Press, Classical Conversations
5. Unschooling
6. Charlotte Mason- delight directed
7. Principle Approach- Pilgrim Institute, Foundation for American Christian Education
IV.) Where to send a letter reporting homeschooling and a link to a sample letter
these were correct at the time of posting
Mailing addresses:: please verify through the county board of education
JCPS : Homeschool, Attn: Kim McEntire, POBox 34020, Louisville, Ky 40232-4020
Oldham County: 6165 W Hwy 146, Crestwood, Ky 40014
Spencer County: 207 W Main St, Taylorsville, Ky 40071
Nelson County: 288 Wildcat Ln, Bardstown, Ky 40004
Bullit County 1040 Hwy 44E, Shepherdsville, Ky 40165
Send it certified , return receipt requested. Keep a copy in your file just in case. If you hand deliver the notification, make copy for them and have them sign your copy that they received the notice and keep it for your records. I have done both over the years and have not met any resistance or had any difficulty.
V.) Resources for purchasing new curriculum
1. me of course :0)
4. website of material you want to buy
VI.) Resources for purchasing used curriculum
1. me of course :0)
2. contact the person selling and ask a lot of questions
3. watch out for ebay, –pay attention to what is included, editions, pages written on or missing
VII.) Math Resources
1. placement test (even if you don’t use saxon it helps to know where they would place the student)
here is the link
2. placement test
3. kahnacademy – practice worksheets, games, free
4. Pinterest
5. A+ Tutor Soft-
VIII.) Part Time Classes available – there are changes from year to year, new additions, other offerings
1. Christian Educational Consortium- part time (tues&wed) middle school and high school classes 502-895-2534
2. Woodland Academy- Middletown-Donna Abel-
3. New Song Academy- 502-243-4064, Tuesday’s & Thursday’s
4. Evangel- not sure if part time is available
5. Home For His Glory co ops-
6. Educare – contact:, small classes offering K through high school,
7. Dorothy Sayers Cottage School-
8. Jubilee Academy- 502-498-5900, full time and home school classes
9. Cornerstone Academy of Eastside Praise – 267-6393, 6300 Billtown Rd, Lou, KY 40299 K-12
IX.) Best Practice Document- read it, it is the “rules and regs”
On March 14, 1997 representatives from Christian Home Educators of Kentucky (CHEK) and the Kentucky Home Education Association (KHEA) met with the board of directors of the Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel Association to share their views on the status of home schools in Kentucky. From that meeting a task force was formed to address the issues that were raised at that meeting. The Best Practices of Homeschooling Document was created by the task force to provide protection for individual rights of privacy, while also maintaining that compulsory school laws were being followed. The Best Practice Document has provided clear direction for both private homechool administrators and directors of pupil personnel. It is highly recommended that all homeschool administrators and directors of pupil personnel secure a copy of this document and make themselves familiar with its content. This simple task would greatly reduce the needless conflicts that arise from year to year.
X.) State Organization and Home School Legal Defense Association
copy and paste to browser for additional information
it is highly recommended that you join both CHEK and HSLDA (often there is a discount for joining both- go to CHEK first)
CHEK’s website has the “Best Practice document”, Information about Driver License Permits, a sample ” letter of notification”, links to local groups and information about what is happening in the state legislature that may affect homeschooling in Ky
HSLDA is a national organization that serves to protect the rights of homeschoolers when or if the Board of Education decides to challenge those rights. They monitor national legislation that may affect homeschooling and parental rights.