As usual, this time of year business slows down significantly.
As of November 1st, I will go to by appointment only until after the New Year. Please pass this around to those friends you know are not on the loops. I am still here and am very flexible so call or email me if you need anything, want to change directions in your curriculum choices, need additional practice or supplements etc. I will open again with regular hours after the holidays. As I make appointments, I will post them both here, on the loops and on facebook in case you want to do some shopping. Especially those we make ahead of time, so I can give you notice.
I do not go away for the holiday season so please do not hesitate to call on me. I am here to help. I will continue to post things that I think are of value as gifts. Please continue to follow me here and on facebook for news and updates.
Thank you for all your support this year, there were some sales records broken this summer!