Reopening next week for regular hours on the 15th Wednesday… here are some of the new things that have recently come in:
1.) MUS full set of alpha
2.) teaching textbooks 4- complete set
3.) Mystery of History vol 1 & 2
4.) IEW Phonetic zoo A
5.) full sets of Saxon 1,2,3 including workbooks
6.) Apologia Chemisty 2nd ed
7.) Apologia land animals
8.) IEW Poetry Memorization
and way more than I can poosibly list.
Check out the website- it links you to over 500 items in my online store and to Amazon for recommended, frequently needed items.
Please do not buy new, until you check out the shelves here!! I have TONS of teacher editions that you can save money on…
Regular hours are Wed and Thursday’s 1-5pm..
See you soon,