Musing’s After the Holidays

It has been a busy few weeks now that we are back in the swing of things after the holiday season. Usually it is very quiet this time of year but this year seems different. Some of the materials that are old standby’s are being called into action again to replace those things that were purchased at conferences or that are just not a good fit. Some people are looking to replace “home schooling” with “home school” or vice-versa. They are actually two very different things. Neither is wrong, just very different philosophies. It is interesting to watch dynamics of families, watch lights come on after reading “The Way They Learn” by Tobias or observe realization that character is a huge part of home schooling and sometimes it needs to come first over academics. I love sharing in some of the interesting things God is doing in the rather large home school community here in Louisville. I am blessed to be a part of that community and hope and pray that my “advice” or “counsel” is worthy.
I pray that everyone has a successful, blessed year as they “raise their children in the way they should go”. If you need help getting there, please know that I am here to help in any way that I can.
I am open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1-5pm..
